Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Running Kim's scripts

We have published about the number of extensions that can be installed in a scripted way, naively or in the best manner possible as an extension. To do this, there are some scripts that can be found in the "util" directory. They just run; I ran them but it is not relevant to me at this time to redo the statistics.

You can run them too :)

Thursday, 21 May 2009

External Data only needs a naive install

I installed the ExternalData extension as part of the best practices setup of Semantic MediaWiki. It failed horribly. So I had to revisit the installation only to find that Yaron had made it comply with standards. Consequently there is one less extension that needs a scripted installation.


I have created a script for the installation of the Drafts extension, it required a database update so a script was needed.

Two new extensions with a script

Both the LocalisationUpdate and the AntiSpoof extensions needed a script. They now have it.

  • LocalisationUpdate is a new extension that will reduce the time between localisations done at translatewiki.net and them becoming available on the WMF wikis.
  • AntiSpoof needed a script to include the database update necessary to make it function.
The need for an AntiSpoof  script was found because of testing done on my WMF_testsystem. This is a system that mimicks the English Wikipedia.